Wednesday, February 21, 2018

PlayStation 4 - 5 years

It's Sony PlayStation 4 birthday.

When it got released, it didn't have any IPv6 support whatsoever. But over last5 years IPv6 got some traction in PS development roadmap.

Here is a ~2 years old post by Tore Anderson about PS4 IPv6 "capabilities". There is no public information available in Internet, so we can only rely on experimentation.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Cisco living in the past?

It is 2018. Cloud Computing era. Era of commodity network platforms and open source software. High capacity network switches are deployed by dozens or hundreds. Modern network requires more bandwidth with lower cost per bit and higher port density.

Today, I got an email from Cisco - VIRL PE 1.5 is released. I follow the link. They offer Personal License for 20 devices. What can you do with 20 devices? You emulate campus network or 10 years old service provider network architecture.

Greg is right to the point:

Cisco, it's time to change.